فارسی عربي

Iranian puppeteer Donya Fannizadeh dies at 49

Iranian puppeteer Donya Fannizadeh passed away at the age of 49.

Iranian puppeteer Donya Fannizadeh passed away at the age of 49.

Iranian puppeteer Donya Fannizadeh who was known for manipulation of one of Iran’s most beloved puppets, Kolah Ghermezi (literally meaning The Red Hat), passed away on Wednesday December 28.

Fannizadeh suffered from a severe case of muscle cancer that affected her right hand forcing her to use her left hand instead in the most recent season of Kolah Ghermerzi television show.

“She passed away at Tehran’s Day Hospital today morning,” her husband, Abtin Sahami, said in a statement.

She began her career in a puppet show with the TV puppet series “Umbrella with the Song of Rain” in 1985 and then collaborated in other TV puppet series including, “The Curious Little Raven”, “The Goat with a Bell Foot”, “Hadi and Hoda”, “Aunt Spider” and “Salty Mouse”.

Fannizadeh reached fame with her collaboration in “Kolah Ghermezi and Pesar Khaleh”, directed by Iraj Tahmasb which became a box office hit in 1992.

Her funeral ceremony is scheduled to be held on Thursday December 29 from House of Cinema in the Iranian capital city of Tehran.

